Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the breast. Worldwide breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer after lung cancer (10.4% of all cancers, both men and women included) and the fifth most common cause of cancer death. In 2004, breast cancer caused 519,000 deaths worldwide (7% of deaths due to cancer, almost 1% of all deaths).

Breast cancer is about 100 times as often in women as in men, but survival is equal in both sexes.

Not knowing what is wrong with our bodies can sometimes be easier than that. Perhaps people think that the way you first hear the heart wrenching words "you have cancer." Fear that you are experiencing now is worse or better than what you have for the past week or so, while you wait for the biopsy report? Maybe not, but there is one thing that is different, you now have control over that fear. Cancer causes anxiety, and you are entitled to your fear.

It is important to remember that yes, cancer can do some terrible things, but one thing that can not do is remove that we are. So it does not matter if you're a fighter in the past now is the time. If something good to say about cancer is that it produces more soldiers than almost any other situation in which a person may face.

All cancer is sad, but if a woman is facing a potential disfiguring as breast cancer, it seems that a double whammy. Maybe it's just the fact that the bottom line is that you can learn to cope with the loss of a breast or both. You can not live with untreated cancer.

Asbestos is the name of a lung disease caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. It is a chronic inflammatory disease, and usually regarded as a severe shortness of breath.

Here is the short explain about asbestos:

Asbestos is toxic. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause serious diseases, including malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis (a type of pneumoconiosis). Since mid-1980, the most developed countries and the European Union have banned asbestos.

Asbestos became increasingly popular among manufacturers and builders in the late 19th century due to its resistance to heat, electricity and chemical damage, sound absorption and tensile strength. When asbestos is used for its resistance to fire and heat, fibers are often mixed with cement or woven into fabric or mats. Asbestos has been used in a number of products for heat-resistance, and previously used on electric oven and hotplate wiring for electrical insulation at elevated temperature and in buildings for flame-retardant and insulating properties, tensile strength, flexibility and resistance to chemicals.

The disease is most often in people exposed to high levels of asbestos because of their professions - the people who mine, manufacturers of products, handling or removing asbestos are most at risk of asbestosis.

The main symptom of asbestosis is shortness of breath, especially after periods of exertion. This effect can appear slowly and with little impact on the first, but gradually more difficult over time and even lead, in advanced cases of the disease, an acute form of respiratory or heart failure is possible. Clinically, with asbestosis has a distinctive "crackling" sound when drawing breath and "clubbing" or thickening of the fingers. Boards often do not start running until 5 years or more after the first exposure to the material.

The shortness of breath caused by inflammation and scarring of lung tissue and make place for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is necessary for effective breathing. It begins as small parts asbestos inhalation and lodge deep in lungs. The natural defenses then try to destroy the foreign body reaction and inflammation around asbestos beach. Since asbestos is very resistant to breakdown by the body to the inflammatory response may be chronic. Over time maintaining fibers fall into the new fibrous tissue which is not as flexible and thicker than usual, making gas exchange more difficult and leads to decrease in the efficiency of the lungs. This fibrous tissue is gradually increasing in size as the body continues to fight against the inhalation of asbestos. The more fibers inhaled, the greater the risk of lung damage.

The treatment of asbestos trusts that deal with the consequences instead of healed. Oxygen therapy is often given to relieve the shortness of breath, and nebulizers for allergy and asthma patients can also help.

To ensure that future generations suffer from this terminal disease, not all risks in the treatment of asbestos, contact a professional asbestos removal if you want to remove asbestos from your property.

If your body got what it needs, it will give you with how quickly it responds. Much good health is not a cure or remedy - the so-called physical measures and health treatments only body with the essential ingredients for a healing process.

Herbs, home remedies and natural medicine, using medicinal herbs, is about as long as mankind. But much of the knowledge of the benefits of this herbal home remedies is forgotten on the road, especially in this modern age of fast food convenience. The introduction of simple food in our daily routines, we can in a world of difference and a simple example is garlic.

Garlic Allium is immune enhancing compounds (dialyl sultides) operating activity of immune cells to fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer causing substances. Studies have linked garlic - as well as onions, leeks and chives - to lower risk of stomach and colon.

In our modern fast-food society, there is no guarantee of health. Adding some simple cheap food to our daily routines in the world will difference. There is a wealth of knowledge on the Internet with respect to natural health remedies and cures, especially in the case of diseases such as cancer. The report "Help Your Body Heal itself of Cancer" on is convenient, easy to read condensed compilation. Most of these treatments are natural substances that are readily available in the local store and its popular use in the world.

Many experts believe that cancer is in us all, but it is only when our immune system is depleted, the cancer is. The cure for many modern diseases lies in our own bodies ... until we give the body what it needs to heal.

A very important amino acid that has been studied in more than fifty years Arginine, found in common foods such as wheat germ and flour, buckwheat, granola, oatmeal, dairy products (cheese, ricotta, nonfat dry milk solids, skim yogurt), and even chocolate. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and protein is the building block of all living cells. Arginine is found to consistently inhibit the growth of tumors. Research has shown that providing arginine in relatively large doses "leading to an almost complete inhibition of the carcinogenic process."

There are several plant sources of dietary needs arginine as mentioned above. It is also found in nuts (coconut, pecans, cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), chick peas and cooked soybeans.

Health professionals often suggest the cancer cases to an increase in fresh vegetables and fruit along with a reduction in animal fats is preferable. The more fat than meat nuts, especially cashews, almonds, hazelnuts etc Almonds are particularly recommended.

The body requires special fats that, among other important functions, making it possible for enough oxygen to the cells through cellular membranes. Experiments have shown that the most important, most fundamental, the cause of cancer is too little oxygen in the cell.

There are many physical activities and health treatments are recommended for cancer and other diseases, but ultimately it is our own body, which may be the cure. Give your body what it needs to do its work.

A friend diagnosed with cancer led the author to research physical measures.

Performance report Help Heal Your Body is cancer ten o'clock gives easy and inexpensive way to help the body's own healing work.

Most first diagnosed with cancer-related cancer as a death sentence, but by turning on a physical, it is not. Studies have shown that the treatment of cancer by natural means has a much more successful than shrinking as our current cancer treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Despite the billions of dollars spent on research over the past 40 years, we have not closer to finding a cure for cancer than when the war was declared against the disease already in 1971. Most cancers known resistance to treatment today as they were almost 40 years ago and there is a good reason. With this in mind, it is better not to do anything yourself in order to overcome the disease. Cancer is essentially a self-help organizations the disease so it is certainly possible for a cure for cancer.

Cancer is not a death sentence and the first thing you should do is to have a positive view of cancer and does not believe that any negative information from health professionals. He makes these assumptions are based on the non-effective treatments; he is only allowed to use. Acts on the basis of their negativity can have disastrous consequences.

Looking for a permanent solution to your problem, the first to realize that your cancer has grown for a reason and that reason, you should address. If the factors which cause the cancer to grow in the first place, it is possible for the body to heal and strengthen the body, cancer growth course without ever returning.

There is one thing we know that our bodies can do and it is amazing heals itself at the right conditions and it is through our beautiful designed and built in the repair system is called the immune system. Immune system will attack and destroy the cancer will return you heather. So with a good knowledge of cancer, you can then take appropriate therapies based on this knowledge and in the end you are cancer free.

Our 3-orthodox cancer treatments are, unfortunately, instead of today because of their ability to generate profits, not because of its healing properties. They have many other faults and their toxicity and the suppression of our natural immune system. It just does not make sense to harm the body more as a person with cancer is a major health crisis. What the body needs is a soft natural treatment and they work.

Cancer takes years to develop and as your cancer has not spread, you have the time to research the subject and find the information you need to cure you of the problem. Do not start looking for a quick solution to the problem because there is a need to factor that caused the cancer in the first place and that is what is meant by common sense.

In short, all the treatments for cancer to run around the 7 necessities of life and fresh air, clean water, nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables, some Sunday and the sun is our friend, not our enemy, daily exercise, rest and hopefully a happy center, which means removing any stress-related problems. Type of ways to treat cancer is simple man and his ways are not toxic.

The anal cancer is often confused with the rectum, the last centimeter of the lower intestine. Rectum eventually ends with anus, where the fecal material leaving the body.

Like other parts of the body, anus exposed to infections and diseases such as anal cancer.

Symptoms of Anal Cancer

The symptoms of anal cancer are not unique and are also symptoms of other diseases such as hemorrhoids. Although the anal cancer is relatively easy to diagnose, it can lead to a delay of diagnosis for people with anal cancer.

Symptoms of anal cancer include:

• clogs or bumps near anus
• anal bleeding or bleeding in the stool
• anal discharge
• pain in or around the anus
• itchy feeling around the anus or
• change in bowel habits such as constipation, diarrhea, and thinning of relief
• What if you Anal Cancer Symptoms

If you have symptoms of anal cancer, see your doctor soon. It is common for some to visit the doctor because they feel embarrassed by anal symptoms or are afraid to be examined in a private room. Do not let these feelings that you examined by a doctor. Fortunately, anal cancer can be detected early if the patient is seeking care at the beginning of symptoms.

New research suggests a dramatic increase in the number of women diagnosed with early breast cancer in one breast who choose to have both breasts surgically removed.

The share of so-called contra-lateral prophylactic mastectomy 'surgery among American women with early breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) increased by 188 percent between 1998 and 2005, Dr. Todd Tuttle, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and colleagues found.

Exactly the reason why more and more women choose this treatment is unclear.

"The 10-year survival of women with DCIS is 98 percent to 99 percent," Tuttle notes in a university statement. "It is the abolition of the normal contra-lateral breast cancer will not improve the excellent survival for this group of women. But many women, particularly young women, chose to have both breasts removed."

The results reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, derived from a study of 51,030 women with unilateral DCIS. A total of 2072 women chose breast removal surgery for cancer, the report shows.

Of all surgical patients, the contra-lateral mastectomy increased from 2.1 percent to 5.2 percent (148 percent) between 1998 and 2005.

For those treated with mastectomy, the proportion of double mastectomy increased from 6.4 percent to 18.4 percent (188 percent).

More studies are urgently required "to the complex decision-making leads to contra-lateral prophylactic mastectomy," researchers conclude.

Do some exercises after age 30 more than an hour per week can help reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting in Seattle.

In the study, Lisa brittle at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and colleagues asked 4296 women to recall their physical activity for four key stages of life: 10 to 15 years, 15 to 30 years old, 30 to 50 years and 50 years and older .

The possibility of developing breast cancer do not seem to change in the performance of the ages between 10 and 30 and women over the age of 30 significantly their chances of developing breast cancer if they are more active, the researchers found.

"An average amount of exercise was defined as 60 minutes per week," brittle told Reuters Health, "so that all results in less than 60 minutes on average were over 60 minutes on average, and all who regard themselves as" very competitive "chosen that category."

Some women classified themselves as "very competitive" between 30 and 50 developed breast cancer compared with women who are less physically active.

Even fewer women classified themselves as very competitive at the age of 50 years developed breast cancer compared with women who exercised less than 60 minutes per week.

"Provisional" brittle said, "take home message is that accumulation mode increase physical activity after the age of 30 may play a role in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer."

If there is an obstacle in terms of avoidance of liver cancer is the liver cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect. This is because they actually are quite diverse. Since the liver is one of the largest organs in the body, anything that could lead to the closure will affect the rest of the bodies.

One of the most common signs to look out for is in abdominal pain. It is frightening that this is a very large tumor or whether it has spread to other organs affected. Swelling and sudden onset of abdominal fluid is also revealing characters, along with jaundice and muscle.

Some liver cancer symptoms are clearly visible as dark-colored urine and pale stools. Others may be felt, such as loss of appetite, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Persistent pain around right shoulder blade and recurrent fever should be noted.

If a patient is found to be suffering these symptoms, a clinical test feels a strain in the abdomen. What they have to see if there is a heavy load on the right side of ribs that will see if the liver increases. Your doctor may ask for specific X-rays and a CT scan, ultrasound or MRI. When the doctor is a flat on the x-ray, the doctor will insert a needle into the abdomen to get a small part of the liver tissue. The method is known as a needle biopsy.

For the treatment of liver cancer symptoms and cause, will depend first on what type it is and how far they advanced. Always check with your doctor and ask for advice on treatment and alternative methods. There are many natural treatments that you can try before you subject yourself surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. So you should speak to your doctor about all your options before deciding which way to go to try to rid yourself of this terrible disease.

For several years, there are discussions on the effects of vitamin B17 to cancer patients. All research done on vitamin B17 was banned in 1977, but before the ban was found that a form of cyanide in our bodies. But all this affects cancer cyanide. The reason is that this vitamin also another enzyme that protects non-cancer cells and eliminates cyanide compounds effects on healthy cells in our body. If this is true, it would mean that vitamin supplements are the only natural cancer prevention. FDA, however, disputed these claims and believes that giving false hope for cancer patients. It is illegal in the U.S. to require vitamins, but there are many ways to the many benefits in the body.

Sources of vitamin B17

Many foods are rich in vitamin B17 and can be daily. Some of these include apricot seeds, spinach, watercress, alfalfa sprouts and bamboo. One or two tablets of 100 mg are sufficient for your daily dose. Although you can buy these, if they are not as common as they once were. Although there are some vitamin supplements on the market, most people prefer to have their food. This is also recommended by most doctors. Many believe that the best source of vitamin B17 is apricot seeds. The recommended dose is to eat 7-10 apricots per day, but not in a meeting. Make sure there is at least an hour between each part. You can tear seeds and bedding them in other foods such as soups, salads, cereals or potatoes. Another option is to chew them, pulp and swallow them. Try not to swallow them whole. Another option you Vitamin B17 are to eat three Apple a day (seeds and all). It believes that a seed to three apples enough Vitamin for your system.

Powers of Vitamin B17 Supplements

Maintaining a diet helps your body to fight cancer cells. Whether you take supplements or not, the vitamin B17 that you used in the food you eat will continue to get rid of cancer cells in the body. The Chinese have long believed in the powers of Vitamin and use those vitamins rich food for the treatment of tumors. They are doing this for years.

Many people would like you to believe that if you started consuming high doses of vitamins or food supplements, you will suddenly be cured of a cancer. This is not the case. So far, there is still, unfortunately, is not a cure for cancer. But if you eat a diet rich in vitamins, are you a big step towards helping the body to prevent cancer cells from invading your system.

Treatment of lung cancer depends on several important factors. The main factors are the histopathologic (diseased tissue) type of lung cancer and stage of cancer.

When the stage of lung cancer is determined, the oncology team and patient work together to develop a treatment plan. It is important for lung cancer patients to discuss the value of different forms of treatment with their doctor. Other factors that affect lung cancer treatment is the patient's general health, medical conditions which may affect (eg, chemotherapy) and tumor characteristics.

The characteristics of lung tumor can be used to break up patients into two groups: patients with low risk of cancer recurrence and patients with high risk of cancer recurrence. Disease-specific prognostic prognostic factors used for patients in one of these groups. In particular, the histopathologic groupings of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) can be used to better predict the patient's prognosis and expected response to treatment.

Surgical resection (cut) in the tumor generally is indicated for cancer that has spread outside the lung. Surgery for lung cancer can be performed using different techniques. Thoracotomy, running thought the chest wall, and the median sternotomy, performed by cutting through the sternum, are common methods used for lung cancer surgery.

Alternative approaches include anterior limited thoractomy (ALT), which runs on the front of the chest with a small cut, anterioraxillary thoracotomy (AAT), which runs on the front near the chest and forearm posterolateral thoracotomy (PLT), which is performed on the back / side of the trunk .

ALT, in particular, is less invasive than standard thoractomy-that this procedure involves less disruption in the body than large incisions or other intrusive measures. ALT may result in less blood loss during and after surgery, less postoperative drainage, and less postoperative pain than standard thoracotomy.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) that is often used to treat lung cancer it seem unusable. Photodynamic therapy with injection of a light-activated drug (eg photofrin / polyhaematoporphyrin, Lumina). Then, during bronchoscopy (examination of the airways using a flexible scope), the lung tumor is illuminated by a laser fiber that transmits light of a certain wavelength. At the time, laser light is used to destroy the sensitized tumor tissue. Photo Skin sensitization (light sensitivity) is a side effect of PDT.

Radiation also can cause the following:
• Anorexia (loss of appetite)
• Changes in taste perception
• Damage to the fetus (in women who are pregnant)
• Increased heart rate (tachycardia)
• Increased risk for infection
• Malaise
• Nausea
• Vomiting

The damage of the lungs exposed to asbestos called mesothelioma cancer. The most difficulty from this disease is finding the early symptom. There may be many years before you know you have it. Read on to find out what you can do as an alternative for treatment and prevention of this deadly disease.
It’s a good idea to learn anything about the preventive treatment if you have any doubt that exposure to asbestos in the past. Do not wait until you see the symptoms, prevention start now!

Two important things to do:

Use Nutrition - supplements used to help the body. First, they contribute to the growth of healthy cells, suppression of mutant cancer cells. Second, it’s also known to help remove the body of toxins and excess fluids, this reduces the pressure on the chest and intestinal cavities reduce pain and discomfort.

Immune - therapy augmentive – this mostly effective method at the early stage. This treatment uses drugs that strengthen the immune system that is capable of tumors. Your body can heal itself naturally. So far, this treatment less effective in later stages of the disease. The scare of your lungs bags of asbestos, it is leading to degradation in time. Like all other diseases is early detection can save your life. Other thing that can only worsen the problem is fear.

Your best defense against the fear is knowledge. Fear is not a solution to your problem will only get worse and drain your energy. There is enough information there for you to read, use the energy you need to understand what you are against.

There are never guarantees, but one thing is certain, if you let fear take over you can almost certainly will win.

Get more information about this topic from a site Monitor Cancer. It is time to take back your health. It is time to enjoy life again and it is your time to find out about all the choices you have for good health.


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