The cells are fundamental components of all living creatures. The human body consists of billions of cells. They give structure to the body, absorb nutrients from food, convert these nutrients into energy, and to perform specialized tasks. Cells also contain the body hereditary and can make copies of them.
Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these parts, so-called body or, specialized structures that perform certain functions in the cell. Human cells contain the following elements, in alphabetical order:
Inside the cell, the cytoplasm consists of a jelly-like fluid (called cytosol) and other structures surrounding the nucleus.
The Cytoskeleton is a network of long fibers which form the structural framework of the cell. The Cytoskeleton has many features, including the determination of cell shape, is involved in cell division, and allows the cells to move. It also provides a track-like system that handles the transport of bodies and or other substances in the cells.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
This process helps the body or created by the molecules in the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum also transports these molecules to their specific destination within or outside the cell.
Golgi apparatus
The Golgi Apparatus packages molecules processed by the endoplasmic reticulum to be transported outside the cell.
Lysosomes and peroxisomes
These organelles are recycling center of the cell. I digest foreign bacteria that invade the cells, cells to eliminate toxic substances and reusing worn out cell components.
There are still lot more like Mitochondria, Nucleus, Plasma membrane and etc.
Labels: Basic of Cancer, Cancer
In 2005, cancer affects an estimated 1.4 million people in North America. There are approximately 565,650 Americans die of cancer in 2008 and killed over 1500 people each day, accounting for 1 in 4 deaths. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., exceeded only by heart disease, and if current trends continue, it is expected to be the leading cause of death for 2010.
The good news is that early detection, diagnosis and treatment are much better odds. In 1995 more than 50% of cancer patients survived five years or more after diagnosis and treatment. The American Cancer Society estimates that a further 25-30% of all cancer deaths can be prevented with earlier diagnosis and treatment.
What is cancer? Although it is often as a single disease such as lung cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer, etc., cancer actually consists of more than 100 different diseases all characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer can occur in many parts of the body and behave differently depending on their nature and origin. Cancer is caused by two external factors (tobacco, chemicals, radiation and infectious organisms) and internal factors (inherited mutations, hormones, immune and mutations that occur from metabolism). And often acquire ten years or more of exposure to external factors and detectable cancer.
Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell division and cell death caused by the cumulative damage of important regulatory genes. In general, more genes must be damaged for a tumor to grow and develop the capacity to spread, also known as metastasis. Tumors which seem to go in the family may be hereditary or it may mean the family environment like substances that cause cell damage, such as contaminated water, soil and radiation. A person identified with a particular genetic marker can choose to take preventive measures such as regular medical check-ups, self-tests, and lifestyle changes involving diet and exercise. If your family history shows that some diseases have occurred several times in the past, we must be diligent about regular screening tests for these diseases. Check with your doctor or the local American Cancer Society for more information about cancer screening or assessments.
There are many things we can do to prevent the development of cancer and drinking water of sufficient quantity and quality of water we consume every day has a lot to do with our health. Many studies suggest that there are links between certain cancers and contaminating drinking water here in the U.S. and Canada.
About 70% of their weight is water. It is the same thing that the body needs more. Water is responsible for many body functions. Drink enough clean and fresh water not only improves the general health and fitness, it can also prevent many illnesses, diseases and the development of cancer quantity and quality of drinking water are equally important. Give your body the water quality and deserve a trip you need with the aspect of optimal health and have always wanted.
Article source: | write by : K. Ngo
Labels: Cancer guidance, Cancer Treatments
Each year more people suffering from cancer and the number increases with each desperate for a cure. The only conventional treatment of cancer today is that chemotherapy, in many cases to the end that few people who were sicker. It is always a good idea to consult a doctor, but also has a good idea to bring a natural cure cancer.
Since 1996, doctors have known the benefits that Glyconutrients are for patients suffering from cancer. Now, although not necessarily Glyconutrients cure cancer really done a good job to alleviate the side effects that traditional forms of treatment and improve its efficiency.
A recent study found that cancer cells cannot survive in an environment where pure oxygen is present. Treatments such as ozone treatment where the patient is a concentrated dose of oxygen can be an effective way to kill cancer cells, while providing other benefits to the body. You should contact your doctor and see what he or she has to say about the ozone treatment and how it would be good in your case. Many times the ozone treatment may be administered with conventional therapy to speed up the process of killing cancer cells.
There are many diets that are doing a good job in preventing cancer. A diet can not cure cancer, but there's certainly a good job to keep it in order to develop cancer. Many dietary principles are designed to improve your health, and if you are currently suffering from cancer can accelerate the hardening, but you do not care.
Unlike traditional cancer treatment natural cure for cancer is not entirely negative. If the traditional forms of treatment are combined with natural forms of treatment it can certainly speed up the recovery process for cancer.
Article source: | write by : Lewis Stonham
Labels: Cancer treatment, Natural cancer
Lung cancer is a disease of uncontrolled growth of damaged cells in the tissues of the lungs. This growth can be shared with other agencies, adjacent or non-adjacent tissues beyond the lungs. Lung cancer is one of the most cancer-related deaths in both men and women, is responsible for 1.3 million deaths each year in the world. In 2008, according to estimates from 1961. 840 Americans expected to die from lung cancer, accounting for about one third of all deaths from cancer.
More women have died each year from lung cancer in breast cancer since 1987. After several years of increase, a female mortality from lung cancer is now in a plateau and become the second most common cause of death after breast cancer. From 1990-1994, the mortality rate among men fell by 1.3% per year. Both indicators are good signs of a reduction of smoking in the last 30 years in both men and women.
Just a little more than 215,000 new cases of lung cancer, is an estimate of 15% of all cancers diagnosed in 2008. In the treatment, lung cancer is classified as small cell or non-small cell. These cells are treated differently. The treatment varies depending on the type of cells and stages of cancer. Methods of treatment can include one or a combination of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and biological treatment. Since the cancer has usually spread by the time it is discovered, radiation and chemotherapy are often used and, if necessary, in combination with surgery.
Common lung cancer symptoms may include shortness of breath, persistent cough or coughing blood, chest pain, voice changes, weight loss and recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis. Cigarette smoking is undoubtedly the biggest risk factor for lung cancer. The risk increases with the amount and duration of cigarette smoking. There are many cancer causing chemicals in tobacco smoke. Smoking cigars and pipes also cause lung cancer, but not at high risk such as cigarette smoking. Passive smoking, occupational or environmental exposure to radon, asbestos and certain metals such as chromium, cadmium and arsenic, are risk factors for lung cancer. Genetics play an important role in development of the disease, especially in those with disease at a young age.
Early detection has been shown to reduce mortality. Chest and bronchial passages Fiber optics is not as effective in reducing deaths from lung cancer. Between 2000 and 2003, 1 year’s relative survival has increased to 41% compared to 35% during 1975 - 1979 periods. But only 15% of all patients who survive more than 5 years than in all stages of cancer combined.
Live well, eat healthy, exercise, stay optimistic, do not ever smoke or stop smoking to prevent cancer in the first place.
Labels: Cancer Treatments, Lung cancer
Active control of the symptoms of mesothelioma in the chemotherapy study
According to a recent issue of British Medical Journal the Lancet, researchers have studied the effect of chemotherapy in mesothelioma. Because chemotherapy is not considered a success for treatment of mesothelioma, cancer, but a treatment for mesothelioma signs and symptoms of health professionals continue to question the usefulness of the procedure for control of symptoms.
The researchers studied 409 patients from all those suffering from malignant pleural mesothelioma in parts of the world. Patients were randomized to a treatment of symptoms or treatment containing an active control treatment with two chemotherapy drugs. The study, "the active symptom control treatments include steroids, bronchodilators, pain-relieving drugs and palliative radiotherapy."
Following the study patients in both treatment options were compared, and as the investigators, "the addition of chemotherapy to control the symptoms did not show a significant benefit or advances in survival or quality of life" among the victims of mesothelioma.
What is mesothelioma, chemotherapy?
Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which cancer cells develop in a thin layer of tissue in the breast cranial cavity, which includes the lungs, also known as the pleura or peritoneum, the tissue lining the abdomen and most part of the body, according to National Cancer Institute (NCI).
According to American Cancer Society (ACS), chemotherapy is a treatment that uses chemicals that are usually administered via a catheter, the pill, injection or port, which is usually a round disc of metal or plastic, that when cancer cells begin to develop abnormal and uncontrolled division quickly. Chemotherapy is given for several reasons, but based on certain factors such as stage of cancer, a patient's age and health of a patient. For patients with mesothelioma, chemotherapy is not a method of treatment, but it is given to patients suffering from mesothelioma for several reasons, including:
* Stop the growth and spread of cancer, to fight cancer
* Minimize or reduce tumors - this method is also known as neoadjuvant chemotherapy
* The palliative chemotherapy on pain and other symptoms should be reduced
* The destruction of microscopic disease that remains after surgery, also known as adjuvant chemotherapy
Chemotherapy given as a catheter into a large vein in the body or a catheter is attached to a port that is placed on the chest under the skin for a time.
Living with Mesothelioma
Unfortunately, victims of mesothelioma receive more setbacks in his life-threatening, as currently there is no effective treatment against cancer death. But a person has the opportunity to participate in a number of clinical trials of treatment, and the ability to develop mesothelioma a request for financial compensation as payment for the condition, often associated with very expensive medical bills.
Labels: Mesotheliom, Mesothelioma cancer
The important you should know about Colon Cancer Treatments
0 comments Posted by Sri Hartati at 10:05 AMTreatments for colon cancer offer more options that you might think. You may feel overwhelmed by fear and now on your future, but you can educate yourself and take control of part of both treatment and your life.
Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are not only treatment for cancer of the colon. You can find out how much, not to say more about your condition to your oncologist. There is some basic information needed to begin.
All conventional cancer treatment and is controlled by funds from pharmaceutical companies and investments. Competition is hampered by various organizations with financial interest in the treatment of cancer. This is well documented in various publications, if you care to do some research.
Before his death, the typical cancer patient generates many thousands of dollars in profit for cancer drugs and treatment of suppliers.
It is rare for oncologists advise their patients on a dozen topics available and affordable actually counter the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Some Medical Colleges are teaching the doctors of medicine and surgery, therefore not surprising that many doctors simply do not know the options. Some doctors have also been closed psychiatric treatments beyond their traditional training.
But the survey of 64 oncologists on staff McGill Cancer Therapy Center in Montreal, found that 91% are not patients or relatives of chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer, because it is toxic and ineffective. But 75% of cancer patients are regularly given conventional chemotherapy, as part of treatment.
There are hundreds of natural, gentle and effective treatment for cancer, which used thousands recover their help, but because they cannot be patented by pharmaceutical companies, with no advertising.
While only 3% of patients with metastatic cancer survive long term when treated with chemotherapy, some "alternative" substances are long-term survival of 50-70%, when used alone, while alternatives to substances used in combination increased survival rates of 90% or higher.
Thousands have recovered from cancer revived with the help of mild, non-toxic treatments. The survivors will share their stories, as well as alternative operators who have several times successfully treated for cancer. Decide yourself ... you do not need to hand over your future to others.
Article source: | write by : Jenny Jackson
Labels: Cancer Treatments, Colon Cancers
It seems a little "more people are diagnosed with colon cancer in those days. Maybe has to do with the aging population, but probably a lot of motivation and behavior. Another condition appears to grow is constipation, which over the years cannot be good. If we want discuss the best treatment for cancer of the colon, we must go further than the worst of them also.
Put your hand if you have heard of these ... chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. It is true. This means that the best treatment for cancer of the colon is, you guessed, all natural.
Look what logically for a moment. If you have colon cancer is your goal is to leave and to restore your health. How in the world expects to realize that the pumping of toxic chemicals in the blood? O Zappa with radiation from the body? Or by cutting your parts of your intestines and colon? These are there for a reason. And we are not supposed to avoid radiation, because it causes cancer? The whole system is upside down. With the exception of large pharmaceutical companies that making billion dollar profits from the commercialization of these treatments. This substance can be for another time.
We are talking about all natural, non-toxic treatments that will reverse your cancer of the colon and restore health. There are some circumstances in which he lives to cancer. Cancer loves low oxygen and high acidity levels. And a chronic dehydrated body and weakened immune system. It’s a toxins and free radicals. He loves sugar. And colon cancer in particular, must really love the toxic mess left years of constipation.
Your body wants to be in balance. If you can find natural treatments designed to reverse the conditions that we have just said, it will also be your way of a colon cancer free. Do not leave that up to some doctors who have no other choice than to shoot drugs and surgery. Discover a world of opportunities. Your body deserves the best.
Article source: | write by : Joshua McCarron
Labels: Cancer treatment, Chemotherapy, Colon Cancers
Prostate cancer is known to affect 15% of all men in their lifetime, yet many people know very little about the risk factors associated with the permit. Unfortunately many of these risks, such as age, nationality and race are unavoidable. But many other factors such as diet, weight and exercise activities that are under your control.
A healthy diet to combat prostate cancer
Many things in the diet has been shown to have an impact on the risk of developing this condition. One thing that is negative in connection with the authorization of calcium. It is believed that men who have a high intake of this mineral are at increased risk, you should be aware that football is a very important mineral for the body and participates in the formation of bone tissue, but should be kept as part of the diet, but not take it also. Other harmful diet products contain red meat and dairy products.
On the positive side to eat tomatoes, fish, fruit and soy products have been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer. There was also a correlation between the consumption of vitamin E and selenium with a lower risk of developing this condition. A good source of vitamin E is leafy vegetables such as spinach. Selenium found in many marine products. Whole grains contain both selenium and vitamin E and is an important part to play in a battle against prostate cancer diet.
Keep the pounds
at the time the link between obesity and prostate cancer remains unclear. But many studies suggest that if you live a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise routine and keep your weight, reduce your risk of developing this condition.
Labels: Healthy information, Prostate Cancer
Mesothelioma or cancer of the mesothelium, is caused by contact to asbestos. The disease can take decades to appear, or developed to an extent that can be detected. When it issues, it can takes time for disease to be diagnosed and treated. Why, exactly, is so deadly?
One of the biggest problems with the disease who are taking what appears to be eternal, for those who have been exposed to asbestos, show evidence. The disease tends to be around 20 years of development, but has been known to wait for about 40 years to develop. This means that a person who knows that he or she has been exposed to asbestos wait until May before a test or show anything abnormal or severe.
This long period of inactivity is that people who do not know that they have been exposed to asbestos may ignore early signs and symptoms of the disease and explain them as bronchitis or anything else that goes away with time. This means that when it goes to consult a doctor because they feel terrible and can not breathe so well, that the disease has reached the later stages.
Like all cancers, there is something very important about the capture of early treatment of the disease and get treatment started as soon as possible. When a cancer is detected early and treated early, the chances that it will be cured and the life of the person who saved climb dramatically. The cancer was discovered later in a person, the lowest, usually, his chances of survival are.
Part of this is due to the highly aggressive cancer type. The unregulated growth of cancer cells can rapidly take over. Even worse, cases of cancer of the blood found in the vicinity of large deliveries or other forms of liquid in the body, these cells can become detached from the group and end up halfway between the body and start a new colony.
Since most patients with mesothelioma wait to see a doctor until they have serious problems, resulting in a lower risk and the possibility that there is no hope for treatment. By the time most people go to see doctors, the cancer came to the point that is unusable. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can do so much to kill cancer.
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Labels: Asbestos, Mesotheliom, Mesothelioma cancer
There are allegations that asbestos related to Larynx Cancer
0 comments Posted by Sri Hartati at 9:35 PMAs was written by that there is a new evidence previously been developed by a university that also reported that the Asbestos related cancer Larynx.
There is evidence that asbestos can cause cancer of the larynx, the Institute of Medicine reported Tuesday. Asbestos has long been associated with lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the feed to the chest and abdomen.
The Senate asked the institute, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, to consider the possibility that other forms of cancer may also be related to the fibrous mineral once widely used for insulation.
The panel concluded that there is sufficient evidence to connect asbestos and throat cancer. It found nine studies that support the relationship. It was also noted that some forms of cancer of the larynx - the portion of the throat containing the vocal cords - and the lung are similar.
The disruption in air flow caused by the vocal cords could add the possibility that asbestos fibers are deposited in the larynx was noted in the report.
The analysis concluded that the evidence is suggestive but not conclusive link asbestos with cancer of the stomach and the colon and cancer of the upper throat. It is said that there is sufficient evidence to connect asbestos to cancer of the esophagus.
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Labels: Asbestos, Larynx Cancer, Mesotheliom, Mesothelioma cancer, Throat cancer
The word "asbestos" has received six natural mineral fibers that have been used for commercial purposes. There are hundreds of countries on almost all continents. These fibers belong to two different groups of minerals called Serpentine and amphibole.
Why asbestos is danger for our health?
There are serious long-term effects of exposure to asbestos. Some of these have recently been published. The diseases include asbestosis, certain forms of lung cancer and mesothelioma condition. Mesothelioma can develop 30 years or more after exposure to asbestos. These very serious people who worked with asbestos and people who have been victims of their families may have come home from a hard day in asbestos.
A detailed description of where the asbestos may be found in the Home
Serpentine group, usually in the form of a hedgehog, containing a single asbestos encephalo variety, known as chrysotile. The amphibole group, which is straight and needle-like, contains five asbestos encephalo varieties: anthophyllite, gruenerite (amosite) Riebeck (crocidolite), tremolite and actinolite.
The U.S. Bureau of Mines has indicated more than 100 mineral fibers as asbestos "fibers, but the U.S. government regulates only the above six forms (mainly because of effective lobbying on behalf of the stone and asbestos industries).
These fibers are very useful to separate, hundreds of times thinner of human hair, and too small to be seen with the naked eye. Standing Administration (OSHA) defines the fibers of concern because of at least five microns long and at least three times as long as the diameter. For a frame of reference, fibers and mineralogists are functions as a thousand times as long as the diameter.
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Asbestos test method
Labels: Asbestos, Mesotheliom, Mesothelioma cancer
If you live in an old house (built before 1980) there is a high probability that you have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral once used as insulation and floor support in homes and places activities until researchers came to the production of the Board and that if inhaled, asbestos can be very hazardous to health cause a variety of health problems including breathing difficulties, asbestosis, and even more serious health problems such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. With proof of a fact that asbestos, you can eliminate the worry of wondering if there is no expose yourself or your family to this harmful chemical.Asbestos test
There are several ways you can test your house to see if there is ongoing or a family exposed to asbestos. You can contact a company that specializes in collecting, cleaning and removal of asbestos. If you choose to go with one of these companies, to ensure that they are bound and licensed and have a referral list so that you are going with a company that puts its customers' health and safety in the first floor.
If you know the task, you can also test for exposure to asbestos with a do-it-yourself kit. You can get them from several sources. Many of them are mail-in tests that will give all the necessary background information is necessary for the testing of asbestos. You begin testing for asbestos using the proper respiratory protection as a mask and body suit (to ensure that all hair, even in the face) is not easy because the asbestos is exposed to the hair, the risk of further exposure.
Wear suitable gloves, full wet test you should take a spray bottle to eliminate the risk of any part of the insulation will go on board. Make sure you have all levels of the floor or wall to secure the collection of all traces of asbestos. Place the sample in a sealed bag and sent to the right place. These tests are usually run about $ 30 and you will get results in just two weeks.
Labels: Asbestos, Mesothelioma cancer
Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer includes cancerous growth in the colon and rectum. Its approximately 655,000 or more deaths per year worldwide, is the third most common form of cancer and the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western world.
What are the symptoms?
Vague convened the first symptoms of colon cancer, such as bleeding, weight loss and fatigue (tiredness). Local (bowel) symptoms are rare; the tumor grew to a size larger. Generally speaking, it is the nearest cancer anus, the more bowel symptoms there will be.
People with high risk for colorectal cancer include those with:
- A strong family history of colon cancer or other cancers in the first grade.
- A previous history of adenomas or cancer of the colon.
- A history of chronic ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
One of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of large bowel cancer can be inherited susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Of first-degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer have an increased risk of about 3-4 times for the development of colorectal cancer, compared with the average person on the street. Patients with colorectal cancer have a previous 3-4 times greater risk of developing a second cancer and colon and then the life of the monitoring in these patients is important.
Patients with adenomas and particularly those with familial Adenomatous polyposis (a genetic disease in which hundreds or thousands of adenomas may occur), are at increased risk for cancer formation of polyps is not completely removed. Patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have increased risk of developing colon cancer, especially if the disease has existed for more than 10 years.
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Labels: Colon Cancers, Colorectal cancer, Large bowel cancer
Colorectal cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in both sexes - one of 20 people
develops the disease during their life. As always, is also one of the most preventable cancers. Regular screening is important, especially for those at risk.
Each organ and tissue in the living body is composed of small blocks called cells. Normal cells in the body grow at a constant speed and controlled. New cells are normally formed to replace worn out cells or to repair damaged cells. Sometimes some of these cells multiply out of control and have the propensity and ability to spread in an unusual manner to other organs and tissues, these cells then use the body reserves so as to destroy the function of the body.
These abnormal cells are called cancer, and growth is a group of abnormal and uncontrolled cell. Cancer so results in a situation of severe malnutrition and the general malfunctioning organs affected. Moreover, tumor cells have the ability to spread beyond the original site of cancer growth or tumor malignant tumors not only grow a good original location of the cancer growth. Malignant tumors (also called primary tumor), but the cells can travel to other organs and form secondary tumors.
Such growth is called secondary metastases and the ability to form such a metastasis is a sign of a malignant tumor. Colorectal cancer comes from the innermost of the feed in the wall of the colon and rectum. Epithelia llining This is also called the mucosal layer of the colon.
Labels: Basic of Cancer, Cancer, Colorectal cancer
As a layman has never show me how the process of the Chemotherapy is done. According to Joel W. Goldwein, MD & Carolyn Vachani, who once wrote at that Chemotherapy can be done in several ways.
- For oral (by mouth, in the form of a pill)
- Street intravenously (IV via a vein, as a short infusion or continuously for one or more days)
- As an injection or needle
- Direct in a hole (e.g., bladder, abdominal cavity)
- In the arterially (in special cases, as part of the perfusion treatment of malignant melanoma)
Doctors often combine specific and non-specific chemotherapies so that they complement each other and work together. This combination of different drugs is called a "regime". These systems are often based on first letter of the names of the medicines used in them. For instance, CHOP, a common lymphoma consisting of cytoxan (cyclophosphamide), Adriamycin (hydroxydoxorubicin), oncovin (vincristine) and prednisone. This combination is available in "cycles" (blocks of time). For example, a cycle of 21 days may be used, and in the case of CHOP, cytoxan, Adriamycin and oncovin given on day 1, prednisolone 1-5 days followed by 16 days rest (no treatment), for a total of 21 days and then starts again with the next stage.
Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy, meaning that it travels throughout the body, unlike surgery or radiation, as "local" treatments. Doctors also use terms to describe when chemotherapy is the sequence of operations:
- Adjuvant therapy: treatment after surgery to reduce the risk of cancer returning.
- Neo-adjuvant therapy: therapy given before surgery to reduce the tumor, then surgery to become more effective.
- Co-treatment: When 2 or more treatments are given together, such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Related articles: The basic of Chemotherapy
Labels: Cancer, Cancer Treatments, Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a form of treatment usually for cancer. To understand how the Chemotherapy works, we need a little understanding of tumor cells. The tumor consists of a cell that reproduces an exceptionally high speed. Normal cells know to stop reproducing (or dividing) when in contact with other cells. When a tumor, this stop mechanism is missing, causing cells to continue dividing over and over again. RNA or DNA in a cell is like saying to reproduce, and chemotherapy works by destroying the RNA or DNA. The faster the cancer cells are replicating, chemotherapy is more able to kill cells.
Cell replication occurs in a series of steps, called the cell cycle. The cell cycle phases are: resting (G0, nothing happens), G1 (or gap 1, a phase of growth), S (synthesis, DNA replication occurs), G2 (gap 2, another growth) and M (mitosis, effectively from 1 division of cells in 2).
Some chemotherapeutic agents are able to kill a cell during each phase of the cycle (These are called cell-cycle non-specific), others are just dead for a certain phase and cannot operate in a dormant phase (the so-called cell-cycle specific). Give the cell cycle specific agents for different times, may reach the maximum number of cells that are particularly affecting.
These are more effective when given in divided doses (over several days or times, for example, once daily for 5 days or every three hours for 4 doses) or by continuous infusion. Cell-cycle nonspecific drugs act against cancer cells at any stage of the cell cycle, including the stage of rest. Cell-cycle nonspecific drugs are most effective when given in bolus doses (e.g., more than 20 minutes once).
This article writes by Joel W. Goldwein, MD & Carolyn Vachani, RN, MSN, AOCN
The Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Labels: Cancer treatment, Chemotherapy
Basal Cell Cancer is the majority known cancer, but is also the most easily treatable. Simple methods that can be done in a doctor's office are usually sufficient, but there are also steps you can take at home to avoid repetition.
The most important nutrient for the prevention of basal cell carcinoma are antioxidants, mainly n-acetyl cysteine (NAC), selenium and vitamin C and E. NAC works in conjunction with vitamin C and E to protect the "guardian" of the p53 gene that keeps skin cells with damaged DNA to continue to grow and multiply. Selenium and vitamin E to help the skin to "super-antioxidant" glutathione, another antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid helps to maintain glutathione in the liver to be broken. Alpha-lipoic acid is especially important for people who work or exercise outdoors.
Is antioxidants should be use? This is for nearly everyone. For Men who take Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or can find additional NAC taken by mouth causes headache, when the erection drug "kicks in" smokers and people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sometimes have a negative reaction to the CNA also. If your doctor or pharmacist tells you that you should not eat grapefruit, then you should not take vitamin C with bioflavonoids for the same reasons, but "pure" vitamin C should be OK for you.
It is not necessary megadose. As a minimum of 100 mg per day of alpha-lipoic acid or vitamin C, 100 micrograms selenium, 200 IU vitamin E and 200 mg NAC daily in a position to protect the skin, but more is better. If you take more than 100 milligrams of alpha-lipoic acid daily, ensure that you receive biotin or a supplement of vitamin B (B-100) or biotin capsules. Selenium is absorbed better if not taken at the same time as vitamin C.
What more can be done to alleviate and prevent basal cell cancer? Number one is wearing sunscreen. The recommendation to use to use at least SPF 15 on exposed skin to the sun in summer. Now more doctors tell their patients to use a stronger (higher number) Sunday, the screen at any time of year.
In addition:
- Do not try to "rub out" basal cell carcinoma. Cancer still is, but it has inflamed, itching, bleeding skin.
- If you must tan, does it gradually, starting at 15 minutes per day, max. Work up to more exposure, but only if there is no damage, even minor damage to the skin. Basal cell carcinoma tends to be most virulent among people who get the majority of tanning from tanning beds.
- Most importantly, if you have ever had basal cell cancer, or any other form of skin cancer, see a doctor every six months. Early treatment is always better.
--- Article source : ---
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Labels: Basal cell carcinoma, Skin cancer
We may not know it yet, when you unprotected exposure to sunlight may cause to different types of skin cancer. Stubborn redness or itching that may be something more than just an irritation. It is important to her right arm with knowledge, so they do not have any regrets later.
For people who live in a tropical country, they should more likely to got different types of skin cancer. For sure, this does not automatically imply that countries located far from the equator, are excluded. As long as you have the skin and exposed to sunlight, it is better to learn as much as possible.
1) Basal cell carcinoma
Among the various types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma is the most common. It starts from the basal layer of the superficial layer of your epidermis. One can only imagine how the deep UV radiation from the sun can reach your skin!
Although it's usually not dangerous, basal cell cancer can take many forms. Sometimes it can also be confused with psoriasis. This type of skin cancer most often in Sunday exposed the body such as face and neck.
2) Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common type of skin cancer. Is usually found on Sunday exposed the body.
Compared with basal cell carcinoma, this type has a higher risk of metastasis, the spread of diseases from one part of the body to another. Symptoms include ulcers, a plaque and reddish also cyclic bleeding from the tumor (usually on the lip). Squamous cell carcinoma can also lead to cancer of the head and neck.
The children, men and Caucasians have an increased risk of melanoma. Although it is considered one of the rare types of skin cancer, this represents 75% of deaths related to skin cancer. Symptoms include moles that grow to 6 millimeters, melanoma (usually black, but can be several colors), asymmetrical skin lesion and irregular border lesion.
These are three different types of skin cancer. They are usually caused by overexposure to sunlight or UV rays. If you are fair skinned or exposed to sunlight during most of the day, do not forget to slather on some Sunday block before leaving the house.
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Another cancer article that you may be interested to read:
Cervical cancer is a deadly cancer, which actually begins in the feed cells in the uterus. The breast or the uterus is an important part of the reproductive organs in women.
Type of uterine cancer
To cancer in May indicate several types of cancer, occurring in a woman's uterus. Uterus sarcoma, commonly known as leiomyosarcomas is a type of uterine cancer, which occurs in muscle energy layer of the uterus. An endometrial cancer is another type of uterine cancer, derived from the cells located in glands in the uterine lining, or endometrium. Cervical cancer is another type of uterine cancer, which is known to occur from the bottom of the uterus. It extends to the transition of a woman in the cervix and the link to the top of her vagina.
A woman who had cervical cancer may notice a few common symptoms. They can vary from person to person depending on the disease in question. Commons symptoms include painful or difficult urination, unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding, extreme pain during the time of having a sexual relationship, a typical lap level lump, abnormal weight loss, pain in the pelvic region and have never breast. The fact is that cervical cancer rarely occurs before menopause, when a woman has regular menstrual periods.
Usually occurs during a regular menstrual cycle stops. If a woman notices back of bleeding at this stage of his life must immediately come to his general doctor, as there may be a risk of uterine cancer.
The well known symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal bleeding from the uterus of a woman after menopause. Bleeding may be in the form of a strip of blood, waste water contains more blood. In some cases a woman may experience lower abdominal pain also.
There are several reasons for cervical cancer, which have been detected so far. Diabetes, obesity, polycystic ovaries have prolonged anovulation, nulliparity or relatives, not a single child, lack of menstruation, prolonged use of tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer and are taking estrogen unanimously without progestins are no valid reasons for uterine cancer.
The diagnosis of this disease
Cancer can be diagnosed by endometrial and endocervical sampling. In addition to these techniques, vaginal ultrasound is used to detect the thickness of endometrium greater thickness, as the uterus, can cause serious cancerous change. In addition to the Pap test can also be an exact identification of cervical cancer, but cannot be defined as a reliable source.
The treatment of this cancer is based on the quality and stage of cancer. Abdominal hysterectomy is a standard treatment, which involves surgical removal of the female uterus with both ovaries and tubes, washing of the abdominal cavity to determine the malignant cells and selectively remove Aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. Many doctors prefer the use of hormonal therapy, which eliminates the risk of metastatic cancer. Again, the women also choose radiotherapy to treat their cervical cancer.
Although the treatment of uterine cancer is possible to do, but you should takes immediate action after notice symptoms. Do not let it reach a level which cannot be cured!
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Labels: Cancer, Endocervical, Uterine Cancer
Around 7000 women contract ovarian cancer each year in Britain. Usually develops in older women and rarely affects those who are younger than 40 years. This type of cancer begins the process of cell division in ovarian function and the cells begin to multiply rapidly and uncontrollably, leading to the formation of a cancer tumor. It is not known exactly what causes this tumor growth, but there are a number of risk factors associated with cancer and ovarian cancer. This article discusses these four.
2) Endometriosis - This is a condition where cells that normally line the uterus are made in other parts of the body. Endometriosis can affect the bladder, bowel and ovaries. Since endometriosis is believed to increase your chances of contracting ovarian cancer, even if you do not know why.
3) FAMILY: - Your family may influence the risk of ovarian cancer in two ways. First, there are two inherited genes (BRCA 1 and BRCA-2) that are designed to increase your chances "in this condition in both developing countries and developed breast cancer. Have gone from one or both genes with your parents can make it more likely that contract the disease, second, with close relatives, as a mother, sister or daughter with this type of cancer makes you more prone to develop for.
4) Number of eggs released - When a woman ovulates (releases an egg into the reproductive system), the surface of the ovaries break the eggs so that they can finish. This breaks then repaired by the normal process of cell division. The more eggs you release several times, these cracks must be repaired, thereby increasing the chances that the process of cell division and causes dysfunction malignant (cancer) growth. It is women who start their periods at a young age, or enter menopause later than usual, have a greater chance of contracting ovarian cancer.
Most risk factors for ovarian cancer cannot be controlled. But if after reading this information you think you are at high risk for this type of cancer then consult your doctor. They will be able to test whether this condition and, if necessary, provide treatment. Ovarian cancer is treatable and survival rates are much higher if caught in early stages, so if you have any doubt goes see now.
At the same time, the intention was to make this article accurate and informative; it is intended for general information. Ovarian cancer is a very serious, life-threatening condition and you should discuss any problems, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.
Labels: Breast cancer, Endometriosis, Ovarian cancer
A cancer that grows very quickly in human body called angiosarcoma. Angiosarcoma is a malignant, highly invasive cancer. The thin layer of Endothelium feed called, where there is endothelial cells lining the walls of blood vessels and tumors begin to form here. The cells reproduce more rapidly in cells and these cells can reverse cancer. They can also spread through the body. Like other forms of cancer, the replication of cells is uncontrollable. The connection to the circulatory system threat of the people’s health.
Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive sarcoma. It affects blood vessels and is very dangerous. The growth of blood vessels in the tumor and the crimes of this will cause a victim to bleed to death. Conditions that have an effect on the blood are very dangerous. How cancer cells spread, probably second healthy body will be affected. Angiosarcoma is difficult to treat because it is destructive and often come back.
Lymphangiosarcoma is an angiosarcoma. The tumor cells are endothelial cells in lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system is responsible for the distribution of antibodies in the whole body. A devastating truth is that when a cancer that affects the body, such as blood or lymph, is to develop a fatal cancer in the whole body.
Angiosarcoma is common in skin or soft tissue can take place in all organs of the body. They may begin in the liver, breast, spleen, bones and heart. Located in the neck and head older, cutaneous angiosarcoma is the most common angiosarcoma.
What is the cause of angiosarcomas is unknown and is a factor in understanding what is angiosarcoma. Hemangiosarcomas just like Stewart - Trèves syndrome associated with exposure to toxins thorium dioxide, vinyl chloride or arsenic. Stewart-Trèves syndrome is caused by lymphedema. This comes after the breast care treatments such as mastectomy and radiotherapy. If a person has been exposed to vinyl chloride in the industries of plastics in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride, have a higher risk than that of angiosarcoma. Exposures that occurred 30 years ago are stilling effects that would follow.
Each type of angiosarcoma can be destructive and multicentric. The rate of relapse is very high, and cancer is more likely to spread to another part of the body. It is a pity that many cases diagnosed that mortality is higher. The common treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation do not work well with these aggressive tumors that this condition is difficult to treat.
The test is investigated by researchers of the changes happening on p53, the tumor SUPPRESSOR genes in the cells of angiosarcoma of the liver. Tumor SUPPRESSOR p53 and molecules on the focus of today's researchers. Thousands of studies are ongoing around the world. New treatments can be discovered to help this deadly cancer.
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Labels: Angiosarcoma, Basic of Cancer, Cancer