The word "asbestos" has received six natural mineral fibers that have been used for commercial purposes. There are hundreds of countries on almost all continents. These fibers belong to two different groups of minerals called Serpentine and amphibole.

Why asbestos is danger for our health?

There are serious long-term effects of exposure to asbestos. Some of these have recently been published. The diseases include asbestosis, certain forms of lung cancer and mesothelioma condition. Mesothelioma can develop 30 years or more after exposure to asbestos. These very serious people who worked with asbestos and people who have been victims of their families may have come home from a hard day in asbestos.

A detailed description of where the asbestos may be found in the Home
Serpentine group, usually in the form of a hedgehog, containing a single asbestos encephalo variety, known as chrysotile. The amphibole group, which is straight and needle-like, contains five asbestos encephalo varieties: anthophyllite, gruenerite (amosite) Riebeck (crocidolite), tremolite and actinolite.

The U.S. Bureau of Mines has indicated more than 100 mineral fibers as asbestos "fibers, but the U.S. government regulates only the above six forms (mainly because of effective lobbying on behalf of the stone and asbestos industries).

These fibers are very useful to separate, hundreds of times thinner of human hair, and too small to be seen with the naked eye. Standing Administration (OSHA) defines the fibers of concern because of at least five microns long and at least three times as long as the diameter. For a frame of reference, fibers and mineralogists are functions as a thousand times as long as the diameter.


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Asbestos test method



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